I just had to include this on my blog. I LOVE that smile and those boots. Recently, Stink Bone Jones has decided he would like to wear his rain boots around the house. Needless to say, I run around behind him snapping pictures. I've decided to start a little journal, accordian style from Martha Stewart, of him and his boots. One Ripe Peach is going to make me wonderfully cute tags for his little journal. I cannot wait!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I always love to have new visitors.
Those pictures with the boots are TOO cute! Brings back memories of my own kids when they were about that age. Especially when they wanted to wear those with a dress to church! LOL
Thank you again for stopping by and I hope you will come back.
Have a great evening!
too stinkin' cute!
Hi lady! Long time no talkie, but that's ok. Come on over and see what I have for you on my blog :)
Thanks for visiting my place. He is so cute! Those boots are awesome...I would wear them all the time, too! :)
I love the blog re-do...it's really nice. I'm glad you kept the thing at the bottom with all your Etsy favorites..I pop in here all the time to peek at what's new.
I LOVE the new banner Jaime!!!
that StinkBoneJones is pretty stinkin cute
he is pretty stinkin cute, isn't he?
Mr. Stick bones is adorable!!!
I am lol for when my son was young he wore his snow boots around the house... when he played "worker man". He would done his tool belt and hard hat and go around the house "fixing things" and being directed by his big sister...whom he adored.
ah, Mr. Stink bones is after my heart!
With Kindness,
P.S. Thank you fro sharing and what beautiful memories you and your family are creating right now!!!
I love the middle photo of your baby- his boots are on the wrong feet!
LOL, I just noticed that they are on the wrong feet! That is kind of a familiar thing around here...either I or he himself puts his shoes on the wrong feet all of the time!
StinkboneJones is at such a fun age!Isn't he so adorable wearing his boots everywhere! He is "All Boy" isn't he!? ~brings back mems of my 2 boys! (18 and 12 now!)
I'm so glad you take lots of photos and the little book your making sounds super sweet~
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